EF Teacher Zone
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International Job

16 articles
Seven ways to use the summer to prepare for next semester
3 min read 3 min

For every teacher who returns exhausted and sunburned after the summer vacation, there’s another who...

The unconventional guide to testing your students’ English
4 min read 4 min

Do you have students who think English tests are a simple stamp of approval at the end of a course? ...

Teacher interview series: Is a career in teacher-training for you?
6 min read 6 min

The education sector has many pathways for teachers. Here, we invited teacher-trainer Anne de Leon t...

Why webinars are the new best way to advance your career
3 min read 3 min

If our great-grandparents could see how the workplace functions now, they would be agape. Sure, we’r...

10 tips for bigger, better productivity
4 min read 4 min

A teacher’s work is never complete: New lessons, students, semesters, years, and subjects continuall...

Here’s how to get out of a teaching rut
4 min read 4 min

Sometimes, despite the best intentions, our teaching becomes a little lacklustre. The causes are var...

Nail that job: how to prepare for an interview over Skype
4 min read 4 min

Conducting job interviews over Skype is fast becoming more standard, especially for large companies ...

15 must-remember tips for new language teachers
4 min read 4 min

Whether working in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, there’s one thing the teaching community has...

More time management tips (from teachers who are rocking it!)
4 min read 4 min

Teaching: a constant balancing act between students’ needs, curricular requirements, greater institu...

Teaching in Chad was surprising. Here’s why (part 1)
5 min read 5 min

Teaching is a passion, they said,Teaching is a skill, they taught,But teaching must come from within...

6 reasons to consider traveling overseas with your students
4 min read 4 min

Does the idea of shepherding your class throughout international customs (and coming out of it in on...

Want to teach in Australia? Consider this
5 min read 5 min

Sunny, check. International airports, check. Good coffee, check. Add in close travel proximity to As...